Monday, October 4, 2010

What Does AudigyCertified™ Mean?

Timpanogos Audiology is one of only three AudigyCertified™ hearing and balance centers in the state of Utah.

But what does that really mean?

AudigyCertified™ professionals possess the highest credentials and are among the country's most experienced hearing care professionals. Our expertise is measured by our commitment to patient satisfaction, continuing education, and the application of current AGX hearing aids. AGX technology is the highest level of technology from the best manufacturers in the world. You can only get AGX technology at an AudigyCertified™ practice, such as Timpangos Audiology.
We understand that "value" is not measured by price alone. Rather how well we meet your expectations for service - how well we translate our knowledge into customized hearing solutions and the quality of the experience we offer to you.

AudigyCertified™ professionals have demonstrated an ability to map individual hearing requirements to complex product and hearing aid choices in a simple, user-friendly, and efficient manner.

Simply put, because we have been designated as a superior hearing health care provider, we have access to superior technology, superior training, and superior resources for our patients. You can be assured that you will receive the very highest level of care available when you come into our office!

If you or someone you know may have a hearing loss, call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our AudigyCertified™ professionals. You will be happy that you did!
